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The gold standard for product safety are those products that carry the Underwriters’ Lab seal of approval. To earn the right to carry the UL mark a product has to meet stringent scientific safety, quality and security standards. Recently the International Hard Anodizing Association or IHAA, recognized Anoplate and a handful of others globally with their certificate of approval. To earn this honor, Anoplate demonstrated expertise and assets which are recognized by the IHAA as necessary for pr…
Another Successful Audit: MD Helicopter Anoplate was recently re-audited and approved by Mesa Arizona’s MD Helicopter to perform chemical processing on their flight hardware. MD, formerly McDonell-Douglas, evolved from what was Hughes Helicopter founded by famed aerospace innovator and entrepreneur Howard Hughes. Anoplate had a long history of working on Hughes designed components thru the former Schweizer Aircraft of nearby Elmira NY who in 1980 purchased the rights to manufacture the Hughe…
Anodize is widely used to protect aluminum from corrosion, wear and a number of environs that degrade the otherwise soft and readily oxidized aluminum. Typically anodize is broken down into three categories referred to as Type I, Type II, and Type III. Type I is thin anodize usually done in non-sulfuric acid electrolyte and widely used where reduced fatigue strength associated with thicker anodize is a concern. Type II is conventional sulfuric anodize used for decorative and general corrosi…